Zero Discrimination Day: Social Media Campaign

Zero Discrimination Day: Social Media Campaign

Zero Discrimination Day was an opportunity to bring attention to the stigma and discrimination faced by people living with hepatitis B. This campaign was used by the Hepatitis B Foundation and partners throughout the month of March to bring awareness to this important topic as well as drive people living with hepatitis B to share their experiences through the discrimination registry. The campaign was utilized on Facebook (82% increase in post reach), Twitter (34% engagement increase), and Instagram (22% increase in reach).

In some areas, people with #hepatitisB are denied social or career opportunities. We need to #EndHepBDiscrmination. Learn more about the Hepatitis B Foundation’s #Discrimination
Registry here:
#ZeroDiscrminationDay #hepB

B the Voice Video Campaigns

B the Voice Video Campaigns

Tiny Tim's Success Story: Blog Post

Tiny Tim's Success Story: Blog Post