#justB Storytelling Campaign Graphics

#justB Storytelling Campaign Graphics

The #justB storytelling campaign aims to raise the profile of hepatitis B as an urgent public health priority and helps put a human face on this serious disease by sharing stories of real people living with or affected by hepatitis B. The stories are created and edited by the storytellers. Each month I help to create graphics and social media posts to accompany the videos. I also schedule monthly Facebook ads featuring the videos.

Below is the supporting content I made for Espi’s story:

Espi is living with hepatitis B. She is engaged in her medical care and eats healthy, keeps active and stays positive to keep the virus at bay.

Espi is a #justB storyteller. Watch her video:  https://www.hepb.org/research-and-programs/patient-story-telling-project/espis-story/

#hepB #hepatitisB #HBV

Espi is one of almost 300 million people living with hepatitis B. She explains how she found her strength after being diagnosed at age 64.

Espi is a #justB storyteller. Watch her video:  https://www.hepb.org/research-and-programs/patient-story-telling-project/espis-story/

#hepB #hepatitisB #HBV

After her hep B diagnosis, Espi found her confidence and strength through a support group with other people living with hepatitis B.

Espi is a #justB storyteller. Watch her video:  https://www.hepb.org/research-and-programs/patient-story-telling-project/espis-story/

#hepB #hepatitisB #HBV

#justB empowered!
After Espi was diagnosed with #hepatitisB, her doctor told her, “You’ll die from this.” But instead of feeling hopeless, she was empowered to ask questions and make well-informed decisions about her medical care.

Watch her story:  https://www.hepb.org/research-and-programs/patient-story-telling-project/espis-story/

One lesson to learn from #justB storyteller, Espi, is to take charge of your medical care and be empowered to ask questions and make your own decisions.

Watch her story: https://www.hepb.org/research-and-programs/patient-story-telling-project/espis-story/

#hepB #hepatitisB #HBV

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