Abby Showalter

I believe in using my skills in marketing and communications to elevate brands that make a positive impact on the world. With a strong background in nonprofit management, I am especially motivated by organizations that prioritize mental health and diversity. I value collaboration and am highly skilled at project management, professional writing, and content creation. I look forward to working with you.



Abby is a highly creative individual who is constantly innovating and thinking of ways to make the project at hand better.
— Anthony Hoey - Marketing Officer
Not enough can be said about Abby. She is loyal, highly organized, insanely detail-oriented, and lights up a room with her beaming positive energy!
— Robby Weiss - Marketing Professional
At first, it’s the bright smile and unlimited energy that makes everyone who knows and works with Abby totally adore her. After working with her for a short time, you realize that behind her cheery disposition and easy-going personality lurks a marketing master-mind.
— Kim DeHart - Director